Thursday, January 20, 2011

How this all began

This all started last summer—August 17th, 2010 to be exact.  I was back in New York City, the best place on earth (at least to me), on vacation.  It’d been a while since I was there last, and with there being so many choices as far a places to eat and things to do, I decided to rely on my handy Andriod phone for suggestions.  In the City you could eat at a different restaurant everyday and it would take you years to get to them all.  And since I only had a week, I decided to use Places, Where and Yelp to help me choose.

I read other’s ratings and suggestions and chose where I went based on those things.  I started paying more attention to the experience.  How was the food?  How was the service?  Was the wait acceptable?  Would I go back?  It started with restaurants.  I chose one based on ratings, location and menu, and after the meal, I’d log on and and write 20 to 30 words (on a phone more than that would take forever)  about it.  I was hooked.  After doing it just once, I couldn’t eat anywhere without logging on and writing about it.

It didn’t take long before my obsession of rating my experiences in restaurants expanded to rating my experiences everywhere.  Tourist attractions, hotels, stores, the metro… anything I experienced I wanted to let people know how it was.

When I came home to Florida, I continued to do it.

On New Year’s day, my husband, his friends and I were driving home, hungover of course, from Panama City Beach when we pulled into IHOP.  I woke up that morning thinking about Jack in the Box Tacos, but with no Jack in the Box anywhere close I settled for IHOP.  After devouring my stuffed french toast, I pulled out my phone to rate my experience.  That was when my husband suggested I write a blog about it.  Nineteen days later, here I am.  Finally.

I couldn’t figure out how to start this.  Honestly, I’m still not sure.  But I hope someone finds it useful, or at the very least entertaining. 

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